February 2018 Newsletter – GENERAL UPDATES:

Posted By on February 9, 2018

Assessment Dues Increased

As discussed during our October Board Meeting, the Board voted on and passed our 2018 budget which included a modest increase of 4.59%. The monthly assessment is now $319.00. The decision was not easy, but the Board was unanimous that it was necessary. During the forecasting meeting, the Board determined the increase was necessary to cover the normal operational expenses. The community completed the 2017 fiscal year with a net budgetary deficit. This deficit was a result of having additional patrol services, a landscape contract increase and other general business legal consultation.

Due to there being less improvements in the years prior to 2016, the operating account had excess funds. These funds were used to offset expenses in 2016 and 2017 fiscal years. For example, the Board approved over $100,000 for landscape installations and transformation on Monet, Hollyhock and Benton as well as Cultural Center Drive. These areas had old and neglected shrubs that were in dire need of replacement over the years. We would all agree that the curb appeal is pleasing to the eyes due to the well maintained and refurbished landscape.

As of December 31, 2017, the operating account represented a positive balance in the amount of $141,252.56, which represents $63,354 in excess funds. Of these funds, $10,000 will be used to offset the 2018 fiscal budget. The Board’s goal is to conserve the funds and to offset more fiscal budgets in the future.

Fortunately, the reserve account is fully funded. This year the Board intends to replace the pool furniture, resurface the spa before summer season, finish landscaping refurbishment on the areas south of Gatsby, wood replacement, building painting and Ficus tree replacements on Gatsby, if the building defects attorney allows it.  Continue reading for more information on removal of the Ficus trees.

Landscape Enhancements – Ficus Trees

The Board believes that this was an inappropriate tree for the community and has requested the building defect attorney to include this claim against Shea Homes. For this reason, the trees cannot be removed as this would tamper with the evidence.

The Board intends to remove and replace the Ficus trees as they have been causing damage to the sidewalks and the retaining wall. Unfortunately, it is difficult to install landscape on this area as the Ficus roots are very invasive.

Lawn Maintenance and Dog Waste Management

The lawn has recently been looking its best resulting from the due diligence of the landscaping company. This area is the pride of all residents in the community, as it is a focal point at the entrance. Unfortunately, it becomes difficult to maintain the lawn to look this good as some dog owners do not pick after their dogs. For this reason, the Association has a budget of over $3,000 for dog waste management. This is an unnecessary expense that could be eliminated if every dog owner picked up after their dog. If you happen to see a dog that is not picked up after, please note the unit address and report it to management and immediate action will be taken.

Water Invoices

The Association pays for water upfront and is sub-metered. Each unit is required to open an account with Meter Net to pay the water bill. Payment is required promptly to reimburse the Association.


Management Team

Community Manager
Beth Woods | bwoods@actionlife.com

Brandon Ramirez | brandonramirez@actionlife.com

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
1250 Corona Pointe Courte, Suite 404
Corona, CA 92879
p. 949-450-0202
f. 949-450-0303

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
p. 949-450-0202
f. 949-450-0303