Parking on Gatsby

Posted By on October 1, 2021

For some time now, it has been noticed that more vehicles are parked on Gatsby. Please remember that per the Rules & Regulations, your garage should be readily available to park your vehicles inside of it. Parking on Gatsby should be for vehicles that are safe-listed and/or have an approved parking permit.

Additionally, if you have an approved parking permit, please place your decal on your windshield.

We would like to help avoid you receiving a citation and/or a tow.

If you have any questions, please contact Management.

Management Team

Community Manager
Beth Woods |

Brandon Ramirez |

Management Company

Action Property Management
Regional Office
1250 Corona Pointe Courte, Suite 404
Corona, CA 92879
p. 949-450-0202
f. 949-450-0303

Corporate Office
320 Commerce, Suite 200
Irvine, CA 92602
p. 949-450-0202
f. 949-450-0303